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- Bitmovin
Innovation Product Updates

Unlocking the Power of Multiview Playback – The Future of Immersive Streaming

For streaming platforms, the need to offer more dynamic, interactive, and immersive viewing experiences to set themselves apart from the competition always continues. Sports fans always crave control over how they watch their favorite games and content and seek better options to meet their viewing habits. To give them a new experience and help them…

- Bitmovin
Product Updates

Bitmovin Improves Support AV1 Video Encoding for VoD

**Updated in Feb 2024** Since 2017, Bitmovin has actively worked in video and streaming standardization and has consistently driven standards from inception to implementation. Our founders co-created the MPEG-DASH streaming standard used by Netflix, YouTube, and many others, which is responsible for over 50% of peak U.S. internet traffic. Given our encoding, virtualization, and codec…

- Bitmovin
Product Updates

Enhancing Video Streaming Quality with Real-Time Stream Monitoring: Bitmovin’s New Analytics Dashboard

When diving into the importance of video Analytics for streaming platforms, it all links back to understanding how the user experiences the content. For platforms today, content is king, but users hold a majority of the power because “how their streaming session goes” matters a lot, especially for subscriber retention. Now, depending on the events…

- Bitmovin
Product Updates

Streamlining Video Playback: Unveiling Bitmovin’s Player SDK for Flutter

Developing mobile applications, particularly with video streaming included, can present significant challenges depending on how it’s done. Smaller development teams or those without extensive video technical expertise may find it straining and affect their deployment/launch timeline. Traditionally, creating professional applications for both iOS and Android requires experienced developers proficient in the native code languages. However,…

- Bitmovin
Product Updates

Bitmovin Live and VOD Encoding now available in Google Cloud Marketplace via Private Offer

In the ever-evolving world of technology and video streaming, staying ahead of the game is essential. That’s why we’re excited to share a significant announcement that promises to transform the way you handle and optimize your content. Bitmovin’s Emmy Award® winning VOD Encoding and Live Encoding Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) via Private Offer in the Google Cloud…

- Bitmovin
Product Updates

Streaming Video on the PlayStation 4 (PS4): Our Approach to Supporting it with the Bitmovin Player

TLDR Let’s get started Over a year and a half ago, we made our first strides into looking at supporting PlayStation gaming consoles. After evaluating both PlayStation 5 (PS5) and PlayStation 4 (PS4), we prioritized PS5, pushing PS4 to the back burner with no real intention of touching it. This decision wasn’t just because PS5…

- Bitmovin
Product Updates

The 5 Essential Pieces for Every Health and Fitness Streaming Workflow

Health and fitness, like every industry, has seen a significant digital transformation in recent years, with the rise of online fitness and wellness platforms, virtual therapeutic and training sessions, and on-demand workout videos. As video is the most widely engaged media type, it has become crucial in helping companies reach a wider audience, connect with…

- Bitmovin
Product Updates

How to Launch and Stream Video on WordPress Easily

The Bitmovin Streams Plugin allows WordPress users to quickly install adaptive video content into their WordPress website with all of the features of our Streams solution Embedding and streaming video over WordPress has just gotten easier! We’re excited to announce our  dedicated WordPress plugin for our Bitmovin Streams solution. This allows companies looking to launch…

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