stream testing - Bitmovin


Automated video stream testing on real devices to ensure quality Playback functionality

What you get with Stream Lab

stream testing - Bitmovin

Test clear or DRM protected streams in real streaming environments

stream testing - Bitmovin

Test on older and newer models of actual devices

stream testing - Bitmovin

Have access to pre-set tests built for specific use cases

stream testing - Bitmovin

View detailed functionality reports and quality of experience metrics

Test on a wide range of device types

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stream testing - Bitmovin
stream testing - Bitmovin
stream testing - Bitmovin
stream testing - Bitmovin
stream testing - Bitmovin
stream testing - Bitmovin
stream testing - Bitmovin
stream testing - Bitmovin
stream testing - Bitmovin

Use cases built for
video streaming

Stream Lab is the first automated testing solution that’s been created for video streaming and comes with pre-set test use cases to help development teams save time, cover whats important and ensure quality playback functionality.

stream testing - Bitmovin
stream testing - Bitmovin

Test clear and DRM-protected content from anywhere

See detailed
functionality reports

stream testing - Bitmovin
stream testing - Bitmovin

Access quality of
experience metrics

Stream Lab provides your development team with Quality of Experience (QoE) analytics, delivering insights into key metrics like startup time, bitrate, buffering, and error incidents. These details help you understand viewer experiences and pinpoint necessary optimizations for improving stream quality and viewer satisfaction.

Test your video streams now for free across
the widest range of devices!

stream testing - Bitmovin

Blog Post

Bitmovin’s Stream Lab – The latest approach to Stream Testing, Support and Playback

Launching & managing a streaming service in today’s market can be a bit overwhelming, but it’s not for the reasons around the workflow that you’d normally think about. It’s actually about the number of devices you and your team have the capability of supporting.

Case study


The Player’s multi-device capability translates to an efficient development process for the ClassPass team.

“We wanted to create a unique experience that provides detailed information alongside a high-quality video experience. It was essential that we used the very best technology to allow us to do this across a variety of devices. Bitmovin’s Player gives us the flexibility and quality we need to continue to make ClassPass Live the best way to get fit.”
stream testing - Bitmovin
Atul Ohri Head of Engineering, ClassPass Live
Read case study
stream testing - Bitmovin
Ready to test your streams?

Click below to start using Stream Lab today!