akamai - Bitmovin
akamai - Bitmovin


Cloud encoding, delivery,
playback, and analytics
with Bitmovin & Akamai

The world’s leading media & entertainment companies trust Bitmovin and Akamai to securely and cost-effectively stream video to consumers around the globe.

A fundamentally new and better way to stream live events, 24×7 linear channels, and on-demand content

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Bitmovin Live Encoding on
Akamai Connected Cloud:

  • Reduce egress / data transfer out (DTO) costs by up to 90%
  • Minimize streaming latency by transcoding at the network edge
  • Increase streaming service resilience 
  • Improve the user Quality of Experience (QoE)
  • Generate faster, more detailed client metrics with Common Media Client Data (CMCD)


Bitmovin Encoding on
Akamai Cloud

Bitmovin’s Live and VOD Encoding solutions are cloud-native SaaS services that have earned a reputation for speed and quality. More than 600 customers, including the largest broadcasters, streaming service providers, and content owners in nearly every industry vertical rely on Bitmovin to reliably deliver content at scale.

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Bitmovin Playback with CMCD and Akamai

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  • Troubleshoot errors and find root causes faster. CMCD makes Player sessions visible in CDN logs so you can trace error sessions through the Player and CDN to find the root cause. Faster issue resolution reduces the cost of streaming errors for your business.
  • Combine Player and CDN logs with common session & content identifiers. Improve your operational monitoring by giving a clearer view of content requests from Player and how those are handled by the CDN.
  • Add Bitmovin Analytics to turbocharge your customer support. Pinpoint error sessions rapidly and use the common Analytics Session ID with CMCD to trace the session through your infrastructure, from Analytics to Player to CDN.
  • Improve quality of experience and reduce rebuffering by enabling pre-fetching. Through CMCD the CDN is aware of the Player’s current state and the content it most likely needs next, this allows the CDN to prepare and deliver data the Player needs faster, reducing the time your viewers are waiting.
Ready to get started?

Access your free account today by signing up for a trial