streams - Bitmovin


Uploading on-demand content

Upload your content library and get streaming in seconds.

streams - Bitmovin

Easily drag-n-drop your
video to upload

Utilizing our simple drag-n-drop user interface, you can directly upload your video files in every major video format (MP4, MOV, etc) with ease into the Streams platform.

streams - Bitmovin

Use your storage
or content URL

Have your video’s stored on another cloud? Provide your storage URL and Streams will automatically import your video and immediately start processing it to make it available for streaming.

However, if your video has already been encoded, insert your Stream URL (M3U8) and Streams will make it available for embedding.

Check out our other features

Personalize your video Player experience

Customize your video player to showcase your brand and unique experience on your platform.
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Embed, share & stream your content

Share your content with viewers instantly or embed directly on your platform.
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Streams video analytics

Get in-depth real-time insights into quality and audience viewing metrics for your streams.
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WordPress plugin

Implement Streams instantly on your WordPress website with our dedicated Plugin.
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Stream securely with content protection

Securely stream your live and on-demand video seamlessly and control who is able to view it.
Learn more >

Simplify your workflow and get streaming now

Find out how Streams can help make streaming easier for you and
your team with a no obligation 30-day trial.