pricing - Bitmovin


Our pricing scales with you

Our simple Pay-As-You-Go pricing makes it easy for anyone to get started with our products, only pay for what you use. For custom plans, our pricing model offers significant volume discounts and additional features, so please contact us for a quote.

Pay as you go

Streams: Bitmovin’s all-in-one video platform

Most popular

Live and on-demand video streaming; end-to-end in 3 easy steps.

Live Encoding

Delivering unbreakable, high quality, live streaming experiences.

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6 free hours (360 minutes / month included)

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$3 / additional hour ($0.05 / minute)

VOD Encoding

Next-Generation massively distributed video encoding that runs anywhere.

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2k free minutes / month included

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$0.02 / additional minute


The leader in quality playback across the most extensive range of devices.

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10k free impressions / month included

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$1.5 / additional 1k impressions


Insights to troubleshoot and optimize every play with a full set real-time data.

pricing - Bitmovin

100k free impressions / month included

pricing - Bitmovin

$0.65 / additional 1k impressions

Get your project
off the ground


fixed costs

An easy way to start using our products with no fixed monthly costs.

Other buying options:

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For more advanced requirements, whether volume or complexity, contact us for info about your custom features tailored to your specific needs.

  • Enterprise Usage
  • Support SLAs
  • Integration
  • Professional Services
  • Custom Features
  • Training

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Frequently asked questions

How does the Player pricing work?

The pricing is depending on the number of impressions (video plays) generated. Impressions are tracked and can be monitored within the Billing Statistics tab of Bitmovin’s dashboard. For alternative pricing models, please get in contact with our team via [email protected].

How does the Analytics pricing work?

The pricing is depending on the number of impressions (video plays) generated. Impressions are tracked and can be monitored within the Billing Statistics tab of Bitmovin’s dashboard. The pricing includes data retention for 30 days, up to 10 full data exports per month and 3 Analytics license keys. For alternative pricing models or longer data retention durations, please get in contact with our team via

How does Encoding pricing work?

Pricing is based on a simple fee per minute of video in each output, with rates that depend on the used features.

Does the resolution impact pricing?

Yes, the output resolution is different depending on the size, as the computational effort increases with larger frame sizes. While one SD content minute (defined as frame height up to 719) equals 1 output minute, an HD content minute (defined as frame height between 720 and 1080) equals 2 output minutes, an 4k UHD content minute (defined as frame height between 1081 and 2160) equals 4 output minutes and an 8k UHD content minute (defined as frame height between 2161 and 4320) equals 120 output minutes. For frame sizes larger than 8k UHD custom pricing applies – please get in contact with our team via [email protected]. The resolution of the input video does not impact pricing.

Does the codec impact pricing?

Yes, different codecs are priced differently as they differ in terms of computational effort.

Codecs are mapped as factors for the per-minute prices. You can find the full list of video codec factors in the Encoding Minute Calculation Methodology point 3.2.1. An example would be HEVC with a factor of 2x. So, an HEVC SD content minute equals 2 output minutes, an HD content minute equals 4 output minute and so forth.

Similar to video codecs, audio codecs are priced based on the computation effort and the list of different factors can be seen in the Encoding Minute Calculation Methodology point 3.2.3.

Do you calculate more output minutes, when using 2-Pass or 3-Pass encoding?

Yes, due to the nature of multi-pass encoding, more resources are needed to perform the additional passes. Factors, similar to codec factors, are used to reflect that in the pricing. For 2-Pass a factor of 1.25 and for 3-Pass a factor of 2.0 is applied. Please note, that the 2-Pass Encoding Mode is enabled by default.

Do I get charged for faulty or cancelled encoding jobs?

Bitmovin does not charge for errors caused by the Bitmovin Encoder or Platform. Any encoding job which results in an error caused by circumstances, not within the responsibility of Bitmovin, including but not limited to, corrupted input files, non-accessible output destinations, or misconfiguration, will be charged for the applicable number of billable minutes of output prior to the error.

In the event that an encoding job is canceled prior to the job’s completion, the applicable number of billable minutes of output prior to such cancellation will be charged.

Is there a minimum duration for encoding jobs?

We calculate billing in 10-second increments. So, the minimum duration for billing is 10 seconds. An output with a duration of fewer than 10 seconds will be charged for 10 seconds.

For a comprehensive and detailed overview of all factors within the pricing methodology please visit We are of course happy to help to calculate your use-case. In order to do so, please get in contact with our team via [email protected].

Is support included?

Support is included through the Bitmovin Community. You can also raise support tickets through your Bitmovin dashboard. If you’d like a support SLA or access to dedicated support personnel please get in touch with our team via [email protected].