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The Bitmovin Adaptive Streaming Player 4.4 Release

. 1 min read
Adaptive streaming player version 4.4

The 4.4 release of our MPEG-DASH and HLS HTML5 player makes further advances in supporting HLS format video.

ID3 tags now Supported for HLS HTML5/JS.

ID3 tags allow you to deliver meta data to the player at predefined times in the video playback. The onMetadata event can be used to catch an event in the same way that the onPlay event works. (Read more about events)
The onMetadata event is tied to the stream, so the timing of this event can be defined in the video editing process. Practical applications of this might be defining ad breaks at specific points or syncing presentation slides to a video, but this functionality has potential for a much wider range of applications. We are looking forward to seeing how our customers use this great feature.

Subtitles and Closed Captions for HTML5/HLS

The support for subtitles and closed caption is very important to us, as it can be more than simple translation. It also makes it possible to provide disabled people with a way to experience a video. So, we are proud to announce that within v4.4, we have introduced CEA-608/708 closed captions also to our HTML5/HLS based player.
A common question in this context, I also want to address here, is about the difference between subtitles and closed captions: Generally speaking, subtitles are used predominantly for translations. For example, an English speaker might watch a German movie with English subtitles. Closed Captioning on the other hand, commonly called CC, is usually a complete replacement of the audio track and is often used for hearing impaired viewers. Along with the dialogue, CC will contain messages like “door slams” or “dog barks”.

The Player is Even Faster

Start up and switching times are critical. Delaying a user as he or she switches between videos is something we work very hard to avoid, and this release takes our player even further ahead of our competition in the speed department.

Check out our switching demonstration here.

For more information about why switching time and player start up delays are so important, I can recommend this article on delivering a video service that keeps your visitors happy and tuned in.
The Bitmovin Adaptive Streaming Player is still pushing forward faster than any other player on the market with features, improvements and feedback driven updates. You can see more historical information on the development of our player on the player release page.

Reinhard Grandl

VP Product

Reinhard received his Master degree from the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, specializing on Networked and Embedded Systems, in 2014 and joined Bitmovin in 2013 as part of the player department. Reinhard’s background includes positions in international research and development companies. As a product leader he has a proven track record of delivering products that exceed customer expectations and drive revenue growth. He is passionate about using technology to solve real-world problems.

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