
MPEG-DASH Browser Support and Device Compatibility

Stefan Lederer
. 1 min read
MPEG DASh device compatibility

Due to superior browser support and device compatibility, MPEG-DASH is quickly becoming the industry’s preferred adaptive streaming standard.

Mpeg dash browser supportSince 2012, when MPEG-DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, ISO/IEC 23009-1) was ratified by ISO/IEC MPEG, more and more browsers, TVs, smart phones, and devices, as well as manufacturers are adopting the standard. The benefits of a vendor independent, international and open standard in comparison to proprietary solutions such as Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) driven by a single company, are obvious, and the rate at which developers, both software and hardware, are adopting the MPEG-DASH standard is only going to increase.
The following table should give an overview of the MPEG-DASH support and compatibility with different brands, browsers and devices such as browsers, TVs, smart phones, tablets and digital boxes.

Device and Browser Compatibility

Device DASH HTML5 DASH Flash DASH Native DASH Overall
Chrome >= 30 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
Chrome < 30 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
Safari >= 8 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
Safari < 8 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
Firefox >= 42 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
Edge tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
IE 11 Windows 8 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
IE <= 11 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
HbbTV 1.5 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
HbbTV 2.0 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
Samsung Smart TV 2012+ tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
LG Smart TV 2012+ tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
Sony TV 2012+ tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
Philips NetTV 4.1+ tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
Panasonic Vierra 2013+ tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
ChromeCast tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
Amazon FireTV tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
Android >= 4.0 with Chrome tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
Android >= 4.1 with ExoPlayer tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
Windows Phone 8 tick_green_sm2 tick_green_sm2
iOS crossw
Apple TV crossw

As you can see from the table above, MPEG-DASH browser support and device compatibility is very comprehensive. MPEG-DASH will play on most devices and native browsers, or using HTML5, which means no extra plugins are required. The Bitmovin Adaptive Streaming Player  is designed to detect the environment it is playing in and in the rare cases where MPEG-DASh requires plugins, it will automatically load a Flash player, which again, eliminates the necessity for the end user to install any plugins. The Bitmovin Player handles everything.
The last two items on the list, iOS and Apple TV are Apple systems and will only accept Apple HLS streams. To cover all platforms and devices, the Bitmovin Cloud Encoding service can encode your video into HLS as well as MPEG-DASH

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Stefan Lederer

Stefan Lederer

Co-Founder & CEO

Stefan Lederer is a renowned innovator and thought leader in video streaming with a strong background in academic research. Stefan co-created the MPEG-DASH video streaming standard and has contributed to several open-source tools, including DASHEncoder, DASHoverCCN and VLC plugin. Stefan also serves as an external lecturer at the University of Klagenfurt.

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