Andy Francis

Technical Content Lead

Andy Francis is an A/V nerd at heart who has spent the last 15+ years sending audio and video over the internet. He has extensive experience working with everything from video conferencing to live event streaming to large-scale OTT platforms and is passionate about spreading knowledge and access to streaming technologies.

- Bitmovin

Bitmovin’s AV1 Encoding Gift Guide

AV1 Codec – Ready for Production The Alliance for Open Media is a non-profit industry consortium that was formed in 2015 with the mission of developing open, royalty-free technologies for multimedia delivery. Its creation was largely a response to the complicated and potentially expensive licensing and patent protection around the dominant MPEG standard codecs (mainly…

- Bitmovin

Streamlining HDR Workflows with Bitmovin

Since the launch of Dolby Vision, HDR video has quickly grown from a novel innovation, mostly known in videophile and engineering circles, to a ubiquitous and expected feature for the general television-owning public. Content producers and streaming platforms should be producing and delivering HDR video whenever possible in order to best recreate the artist’s vision…

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