Andy Francis

Technical Content Lead

Andy Francis is an A/V nerd at heart who has spent the last 15+ years sending audio and video over the internet. He has extensive experience working with everything from video conferencing to live event streaming to large-scale OTT platforms and is passionate about spreading knowledge and access to streaming technologies.

av1 encoding - Bitmovin

Guide to Adopting AV1 Encoding

Introduction This post will provide some background information on video codecs and the pros and cons of the most common codecs used by streaming services. We’ll discuss why you should be taking advantage of newer codecs and the many benefits they can provide. Finally, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide through the factors and questions you…

adaptive bitrate streaming

Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR): What is it & How Does it Work? [2023 Update]

What is Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) Streaming? Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR) is a technology used in modern video streaming applications that can dynamically adapt in real-time, in order to provide the best quality for each individual viewer. ABR streams take into account network conditions, screen size and device capabilities and can adjust on the fly to…

av1 encoding - Bitmovin

The State of AV1 Playback Support: 2023 – Apple adds iPhone AV1 hardware decoder!

This post was originally published in October 2022. It has been updated with new developments, most recently on September 12, 2023 with news about Apple’s iPhone AV1 decoder. In this post, I’ll be taking a look at the current state of AV1 playback support, covering which browsers, mobile devices, smart TVs, consoles and streaming sticks…

av1 encoding - Bitmovin

Introducing the Bitmovin MP4Inspector

Video developers and streaming engineers (including those at Bitmovin) are often using multiple tools to troubleshoot everything that can go wrong at different points in their end-to-end workflow. This usually means a mix of commercial and open-source solutions combined with some in-house tools that are only available within your company. For the past couple of…

av1 encoding - Bitmovin

4K Video at SD Bitrates with AV1

What if I told you I could get you a sweet deal on a beautiful 1080p movie for less than 300 kbps? How about some stunning 4K under 700 kbps? Sounds too good to be true, right? Especially when you look at the recommended internet connection speeds from services like Netflix, YouTube, and Disney+: SD:…

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