Forrester TEI Study: The Total Economic Impact of Bitmovin Encoder

Join Katy, Igor and Mary as they discuss the results from a recent study from Forrester on the total economic impact of the Bitmovin Encoder.

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To stay competitive in streaming video you need to be agile in how you balance video quality with costs and innovation. 

Bitmovin’s cloud encoding solution allows you to scale your encoding efforts and your business, meet your time-to-market requirements and lets you adapt quickly to changing demand for content all while reducing costs.

To help illustrate this, Bitmovin commissioned a TEI Study with Forrester – in this webinar Katy, Igor and Mary discuss the report, highlighting the business benefits of using the Bitmovin Encoding solution.


bitmovin encoder - Bitmovin

Katy Oberdiek

Product Marketing Manager at Bitmovin

bitmovin encoder - Bitmovin

Igor Oreper

VP Solutions at Bitmovin

bitmovin encoder - Bitmovin

Mary Barton

Forrester TEI Consultant

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