A joint venture between Bitmovin and the Institute of Information Technology (ITEC) at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, the ATHENA Christian Doppler Laboratory is actively researching the challenges of HTTP adaptive streaming alongside exploring future video streaming technologies.
ITEC has established a track record of successful research projects and publications, actively contributing to MPEG standardization, including MPEG-DASH.

ATHENA research and development has directly contributed to Bitmovin’s category-leading products, ensuring Bitmovin’s customers benefit from latest advancements in streaming technologies.
ATHENA drives the research and development of novel paradigms, approaches, (prototype) tools and evaluation results for the following phases:
- Multimedia content provisioning
- Content delivery
- Content consumption
- End-to-end aspects, with a focus on, but not being limited to, HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS).