Custom Adaptation

Showcasing the player’s ability to switch between bitrates to avoid re-buffering,
minimize startup time, and provide the best possible quality

The adaptive bitrate choosing feature of the Bitmovin Player can avoid re-buffering and minimize the startup time, while providing the best possible quality. Start the video below to see the ABR feature in action.


var availableRepresentations = [];

function onVideoAdaptationHandler(param) {
  var suggestedRep = availableRepresentations.filter((rep) => === param.suggested)[0];
  if (suggestedRep) {
    console.log('Suggested representation: ' + availableRepresentations[i].bitrate / 1000 + 'kbps');

var conf = {
  key: '<YOUR PLAYER KEY>',
  adaptation: {
    desktop: {
      onVideoAdaptation: onVideoAdaptationHandler,
    mobile: {
      onVideoAdaptation: onVideoAdaptationHandler,

var source = {
  dash: '',
  hls: '',
  progressive: '',
  poster: '',

var playerContainer = document.getElementById('player-container');
var player = new bitmovin.player.Player(playerContainer, conf);

player.load(source).then(function () {
  availableRepresentations = player.getAvailableVideoQualities();

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