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Bitmovin launches self-service video infrastructure APIs for developers

Vienna – Austria, March 20, 2023 – Bitmovin, the leading provider of video streaming infrastructure, announces the availability of its video infrastructure products and APIs in a new self-service offering, aiming for low-friction usage of developers building video streaming experiences. This new offering empowers developers to use the same infrastructure as world-renowned media brands.

“This is an amazing step for Bitmovin, as well as for developers adding video to their projects. The best video infrastructure is now available in an easy and fast way, making the lives for developers easier,” said Stefan Lederer, CEO of Bitmovin.More than 1000 developers sign up every month to test out our video infrastructure platform for their project. This is huge demand, and it is amazing to see and confirms our strategy to put the product and developer experience first.”

Bitmovin’s new Self-Service model includes all Bitmovin products and includes simplified APIs, Low-and no-code wizards, flexible Pay-as-you-go pricing, freemium usage tiers, a new developer community, as well as improved documentation. This is in addition to the free 30-day trial, which combined gives developers all the flexibility they need to evaluate and integrate Bitmovins products without being worried about costs or complex enterprise agreements.

Bitmovin’s self-service offering includes its newly launched Simple Encoding API, which reduces the complexities of video compression. For VOD Encoding, Bitmovin’s Simple Encoding API provides a quick and easy way – just one API call – to convert videos into streamable content by harnessing the power of Bitmovin’s Per-Title Technology. Videos are automatically analyzed and optimized to preserve quality with the lowest bitrate possible for HLS and DASH streaming.

For Live workflows, Bitmovin’s Simple Encoding API provides a quick and easy way to transcode RTMP or SRT inputs into live adaptive bitrate streams in a single API call. Utilizing optimized bitrate ladders with presets to prioritize higher quality and lower latency, ensuring the best viewing experience for global audiences watching HLS and DASH streams

Bitmovin additionally launched a new entry product called “Streams”, incorporating its encoding, player, and analytics products together with CDN and storage into a simple video platform. Developers don’t need to go into the depths of video streaming to start embedding video into their websites and apps. Streams’ three-step process starts when users upload their content to the platform to generate VOD output. Then the user can embed their video content with just a few clicks and deploy it instantly. Once the stream is live, Bitmovin’s Analytics tools send the user real-time insights, which they can use to make improvements.

Our self-serve offering has created a simpler, user-friendly way and is available in Cloud Marketplaces, so developers can benefit from our technologies and build world-class video products.” concluded Lederer.

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